I’ll share a little secret that changes everything.

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People buy with emotion, not logic, and storytelling (done well) evokes powerful emotions. So, as salespeople, it’s imperative that we can tell a good story.

Still not sold? 90% of consumers purchase after seeing a relatable story unfold in a brand’s social media posts? (BarrelsAHead, 2021) Surely now you’re on board?

I’m going to reinforce what I say daily which is that it’s not only up to marketing to craft and tell stories. As salespeople, you are the ones that have constant and regular contact with prospects, so it’s also your responsibility to make sure your story is exceptional, delivered well and is the story that they want to hear.

So, what constitutes an extraordinary story, and how do you get your prospects to stop and listen?

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1. Firstly, we need to listen – discover your target audience’s pain points and use this as the foundation for your story. Also, understand where they are on the customer journey – this is critical to meeting them where they are at.

2. A good story evokes emotion, and as discussed above, buying decisions are based on emotion, not logic. Try varying your language and tone to trigger emotion, build up your story for greater impact, and be specific with your choice of words, it’s easy to fall into the cliches – go by our rule of thumb and give it the boring test!

3. Credibility is critical. Do this by providing social proof. Include a case study or a testimonial so it’s relatable and people believe that your service or solution can genuinely solve their problems – that without you, life is so much harder. Research conducted by Nielsen revealed that 92% of people would trust a recommendation from someone they know, while 70% would trust a recommendation from someone they don’t know. The proof is in the pudding!!

4. Make sure it’s not all fluff; data and stats are still important. Facts are 22 times more likely to be remembered if they are part of the narrative. (LinkedIn, 2021) So be creative, and weave them into your story.

Before we let you go, did you know that 55 per cent of people that really love a brand story are more likely to buy the product in the future, 44 per cent will share the story, and 15 per cent will buy the product immediately? (Headstream, 2015)

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It’s a no brainer. Storytelling in sales is no longer optional. Get your sales and marketing teams on the same page to nail the narrative and make your story exceptional. To do this, organise a monthly Story Time and ask each other:

  • What is resonating with your clients?
  • What hot topics are you hearing?
  • What questions are you getting?

I know that this will help you to produce epic content and curate powerful stories that speak to your prospects’ pain points and meets them where they are at on the customer journey. Salespeople within your business can then personalise these and utilise them to nurture and convert!

If you’re chasing additional inspiration, our Inside Scoop will tick all the boxes. Fortnightly gems and industry updates are delivered right to your inbox. Check it out here: https://insidescoop.salesredefined.com.au