Are you ready for a Sales Transformation?

Redefining the future of sales in a digital age

50% of sales teams don’t hit their targets, and 76% of content marketers forget sales enablement. We call that ‘sales for the sleepwalking’.


It’s time to rethink how you do sales — and here’s how we can support you in the process

Sales & Marketing Campaigns

‘Use it or lose it’ works for brain training, but not for the marketing budgets you were granted. Similarly, casting your product or pitch out to a sea of cold leads using a single promotion channel is equally ineffective (and costly).
To increase sales, you need to align tactical action with the wider business strategy for maximum ROI.
We design scalable, cost effective sales funnels that place customers front and centre. No-one wants to be ‘sold at’ through a megaphone. Only this way will you generate and nurture high-quality leads for your business. We start with customer behaviour- their challenges, objections and where they look for information. We then develop campaigns out from there, monitoring and tweaking to make sure we’re reaching your key market and priming them for eventual conversion.
You won’t find a ‘set and forget’ attitude here (unlike many agencies we’ve experienced ourselves). If a campaign isn’t performing, we fix it.
We believe all businesses should be delivering against a fully optimised sales funnel. By ensuring your sales funnel is understood internally, marketing and sales teams are able to respond strategically—by creating an end-to-end campaign in line with the lifecycle of the company’s leads, however long that may be.

Want maximum ROI? Here’s where we start

Sales Strategy

Long, drawn out courses sap time, energy and creative brainpower from your team’s already overloaded schedule. We create bespoke sales strategies and consulting services—founded in scientific research—that grow business in a simple, consistent way in far less time.
And we’ll get you better results.
The lead generation component of sales strategy is critical, yet we’ve had clients, following several failed escapades with marketing agencies, mention that they had budget for lead generation campaigns but were unsure where and how to invest. So, we started doing them ourselves, leveraging the experience, knowledge and data from successful high converting campaigns in our own business.
We’re determined to share that success with you.

With an immersive approach, we get to know the needs of your sales, marketing and leadership teams to understand the direction they’re heading. We dig into the sales strategy to ensure it’s aligned with the most immediate sales opportunities and priorities, then work to bridge the gap between sales and marketing. We’re with you from strategy and support you in execution to ensure success and continuation toward your longer-term goals.

The result?

A high converting sales strategy which is realistic to execute.

We’d love to be your co-pilot, set up a discovery call with us!

Sales Training & Enablement

Creating friction-free sales and marketing teams who willingly think outside the box to increase sales and grow your business is nothing but an urban legend. Right?
Part of the key to achieving this supposed ‘ideal’ is engaging your team to embrace cultural and behavioural shifts, then developing high-performance sales habits. No mean feat in today’s fast-paced market, but for a sales strategy to be successful at growing your business, it’s vital that your teams are ahead of the 8-ball and adept at thinking on their feet.
How on earth do you make this happen?
Teams absorb more by engaging heavily in the learning process, and we’ve developed techniques and interactive activities that inspire and provoke thought. And they won’t even think about checking their phones.

Equipped with an entire team touting first-hand B2B sales experience, our sales enablement service is delivered with a bias for execution, focused on embedding daily proactive sales habits that are highly effective and easy to implement.

We take you through a 4-phase process from discovery to sales recommendations, through to enablement and then supporting you in the execution phase that will move your team from being sideline-sitters waiting for action to be the unshakeably confident sales conquerors you’d always hoped for.

“One of the most empowering sessions I have sat through in my 22 years of sales”
– Enersys Team Member

Sounds like we might be a good fit? Let’s talk! 

Keynote Speaking Topics

High-performance sales habits

A high performing sales team is essential to growth and success. So, how do you embed proactive sales habits that build a high-performance sales culture?

In this keynote, I reveal what the world’s top sales professionals do differently to consistently play a high-performance game. I’ll unlock your team’s potential by helping them understand how to adopt simple proactive sales habits that will have them performing all year round.

The Future of Sales 
In today’s fast-paced and highly competitive world it is vital to not only stay ahead of the game but to make your competition irrelevant. Sales is changing rapidly in a digital age, with educated customers. Audiences will gain insights and predictions into the future of sales that will help them thrive, not just survive!
The Psychology of Sales
To be successful in sales, it’s imperative to understand what motivates your target audience to buy! We buy emotionally and justify it logically, yet most sales information is still highly logical. This talk explores how and why customers buy and analyses the key drivers behind their buying decisions.
Quick & Authentic Ways to Increase your sales
This is one of the most in-demand speaking topics, focusing on addressing your business’s low hanging fruit. You’ll learn the quickest, most authentic, and highly practical strategies to increase your sales, confidently following the Sales Redefined approach.

Audiences will leave with simple actions they can execute immediately to drive instant momentum.

Got an upcoming conference? Set up a call with us to see if we’re a fit!

Still not sure what you need?
Our 15-minute Sales Bomb should do it.
We’re ready to shake a few things up.

We’ll drop into your next sales team meeting and spend 15 (free) virtual minutes with you. You’ll learn 3 things you can implement right now that will start the transformation toward creating the high-performance sales team you’ve been striving for.

If you execute these 3 highly practical, implementable tips starting the following day, you’ll see an increase in your sales pipeline by the end of the week.

What our clients have to say

Be Fit Food are a leading rapid weight loss company in Australia, offering customers a variety of programs, with pre-prepared meals, which are designed to enable people to rapidly lose weight and optimise their wellbeing.


“The Sales Redefined team are innovative in their approach, delivering unique and fully customised campaigns. The key differentiators between them and their competition is their ability to continuously adapt at lightning speed, coupled with a genuine interest in achieving outstanding results. They have bridged the gap between our sales and marketing teams, which I believe was a determining factor in the success of our campaigns.”

Paulo Mpliokas, Olympus Technology

“We recently engaged with Sales Redefined to generate new customer opportunities for our sales team. We wanted to make good use of our vendor based MDF and our own investments of time and money. After a number of lacklustre campaigns with some traditional marketing agencies, Sales Redefined helped us by finding the right contacts within our prospects to deliver net new leads to our business and a successful campaign. The fresh and engaging approach, quick and transparent process and interactive engagement, ensured that we not only delivered positive ROI to our vendor but ultimately onboarded new clients to our business.

We have now engaged Sales Redefined for further enablement for our team and I look forward to growing our business together.”

Emily McLeod, WOW Recruitment

Abbie White delivered an exceptional presentation! She never ceases to amaze me. Abbie spoke about high-performance sales, the future of sales and the art of marketing! Seeing her in action was impressive, and we just knew we wanted our clients and network to have access to her too! Being a Sales Recruiter at heart, I’ve had Abbie on my radar for years and finally engaged her last quarter to do some work with the WOW Recruitment team. Abbie helped us implement ‘Follow up Friday’ which is the best thing that ever happened to us and equated in our highest month on record.

Michelle Gamble, Frontline Recruitment Group & Express Employment Professionals ANZ

We came across Abbie from a Recruitment podcast she had been featured in and got in touch with Sales Redefined when we were planning our annual sales conference. What stood out to us compared to others was the speed at which Sales Redefined replied and the level of detail they went into to really understand our business, the team and exactly the outcomes we desired for our conference. On the day, Abbie was phenomenal at getting our teams engaged, creating instant traction with live activities and ensuring everyone walked away with achievable and realistic goals while being fully motivated and entertained.