A theme from this week’s client meetings has been plugging the gap on the missing piece of the sales strategy: the nurture process!

We typically consider how we generate leads and what marketing activities will support this. However, often this is wasted effort as those leads are never nurtured and converted into new clients.

I regularly talk about follow-up and nurturing (it’s my soapbox topic!) but this week I wanted to give you a step by step guide with real examples that you can print off and stick on your desk.

Whilst these examples might seem obvious my favourite expression is “common sense is not common practice” and it’s about as rare as a unicorn that I meet a business with a nurture process they can consistently deliver. We all occasionally drop the ball on nurturing (my hand is up too!) but these steps will minimise it.

Fun facts:

  • Only 3% of your target market are ready to buy now.
  • Businesses who nurture their leads make 50% more sales than those who don’t.

If you’re up for 50% more sales, read on!

The Steps:

Step 1: Ensure that all contacts are added to a CRM. A basic CRM is fine, it doesn’t need to be expensive. No lost business cards, numbers only in your phone, get all data into a CRM. You can check out our CRM selection guide here!

Step 2: Create reminders for each contact as to when the next touchpoint is due based on what you agreed e.g. can you come back to me next month.

Step 3: Give yourself a nurture list of activities so you have inspiration on hand. Make sure the activities add value to the relationship, I can’t recommend stalking!

Step 4: Make it happen. Time block in your diary dedicated time for nurturing. I do “follow up Friday” every week and nurture during this time.

Here are some examples of nurture activities:

  • Coffee catch up (who doesn’t love a daily dose of caffeine)
  • Check-in with genuine interest e.g. I wanted to see how your project was going & if I can do anything to support?
  • Share relevant and interesting downloads/whitepapers/research/content/case studies
  • Make sure you are connected on LinkedIn, engage with their posts
  • Send an article which you saw and thought they would appreciate
  • Invite them to an upcoming event (it doesn’t have to be your event, could be e.g. an industry event)
  • Host a webinar which is on a topic that you know is highly valuable to your audience
  • Offer a new demo or share an explainer video
  • Send a sample (for product businesses)

My biggest tip is to be genuinely interested in adding value and it will show!

If you’re keen for more juicy SMarketing goodness, check out our Inside Scoop where we share the latest industry trends, tips, and tricks: https://insidescoop.salesredefined.com.au