Evangelise the problem

Idea to consider How can you evangelise the problem and make the old way seem clunky? A book I love is “Play Bigger,” in which the authors share the strategies of category kings who create and then dominate a new market. One of the critical steps we can learn from...

What needs to change in FY25?

Idea to consider If you were to do a pre-mortem of FY25, what are the risks to your strategy being executed? As we kick off the new financial year, it’s a great time for planning and reflection. Global Leadership expert Holly Ransom recommends a pre-mortem. What...

10X growth is easier than 2X

Idea to consider 10X is easier than 2X My friend Dan recommended the book “10X is easier than 2X” by Dan Sullivan; I am loving it. The concept is that 2X growth in business or personal life is often exhausting. 2X growth would require similar actions to...

Finding your micro niche

Ideas to consider Where is the “Blue Ocean” in FY25? Many of us feel we are in a “red ocean” crowded with competition and price wars. The authors of Blue Ocean Strategy challenge us to ask where the uncontested marketplace is and how we can create a Blue Ocean. Julie...

Making sales fun 

Ideas to consider What would sales look like if it was fun? I love content from productivity guru Ali Abdaal. One of his key productivity tips is to add an element of fun to the task. I like to gamify sales, set myself a challenge and compete with myself. It’s...

Minimum standard for prospecting

Ideas to consider: What is my minimum standard for proactive prospecting? I came across the concept of making a minimum standard commitment to myself for each area of my life, from work to health to relationships, etc. Why not apply this to prospecting? The theory is...